Low Code 之路(一)

- 每个国家对应一套form再对应一套代码,维护成本高
- 服务端返回也是一一对应
- 同一,因为使领馆常有变化,维护成本更高,几乎不可复用。
- 代码独立性太高,故障率高
所以今年我主要投入到对这个流程的优化的工作中来, 主要的工作围绕着 建立一个通用表单, 建立一个通用填写脚本两个方面来进行,目标即使,就需要相应的配置文件,任何人都可以基于配置文件进行配置,简单的修改配置文件就能生成新的表单,和规定相应的爬取流程来对内容进行获取和填充。

Formily 解决方案的本质是构造了一个 Observable Form Graph,在这个 Form Graph 中,我们抽象了整个表单领域模型,同时这个模型又是一个无限循环状态机。
读了下代码主要是基于RX的Observeable Form Graph状态机,基本是通过component type找到render的内容,然后通过一个基于Rx 的 所谓Form graph来维护全局的状态,读JSON 来render Form视图然后通过key来建立field relation,然后维护全局状态,主要的工作在对Form 数据结构及数据更新算法和一些性能优势,搞出一套updater tree 和 path match性能不错,而且是经过大量用户验证的,包括阿里内部验证的可靠的库。
amis 是一个低代码前端框架,它使用 JSON 配置来生成页面,可以减少页面开发工作量,极大提升效率。
初始化接口,数据链的设计,更偏向业务一些,包括表达式,联动, renderer都让人感到这是一个很reactive的库,简单易用,源代码没有看,想想大概差不多。
渲染过程就是根据节点 path 信息,跟组件池中的组件 test
(检测) 信息做匹配,如果命中,则把当前节点转给对应组件渲染,节点中其他属性将作为目标组件的 props。需要注意的是,如果是容器组件,比如以上例子中的 page
组件,从 props 中拿到的 body
是一个子节点,由于节点类型是不固定,由使用者决定,所以不能直接完成渲染,所以交给属性中下发的 render
方法去完成渲染,{render('body', body)}
,他的工作就是拿子节点的 path 信息去组件池里面找到对应的渲染器,然后交给对应组件去完成渲染
通过 JSON Schema 生成标准 Form,常用于自定义搭建配置界面生成
它提供一个 表单设计器,和基于JSON的formcreate,文档写的不是很好。。,代码里也是用global context维护状态,通过eval实现表达式,比较灵活,支持几种标准类型,通过schema type类型来确定渲染内容这个我不是很中意,也支持自定义type component,但是目前看bug比较多,更新策略也是全量更新,没有优化,性能差一些。
- 基于JSON Schema 的配置文件。
- 提供 接口接入标准
- 接口字段到schema的映射语法
- 支持template
- 更新粒度以path为依准

store 是基于 Rx 的数据控制中心
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| export default class Manage<T extends HashObj> implements IManage<T> { public $form: Subject<T> = new Subject<T>(); private _storeForm: T; public formData: T; private static instance: Manage<any>; private readonly isFreeze: boolean = false; private haveSetDefault = false; public validations: Map<string, IValidation> = new Map<string, IValidation>(); private engine = new TemplateEngine();
get storeForm() { return this._storeForm; }
set storeForm(data) { if (!this.isFreeze) { this._storeForm = { ...data }; } }
get data() { return this.formData; } .....
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| public notifyByPath = (path: string, changed: HashObj, other?: HashObj): void => { console.log('I\'m in ', path, this.formData, this.validations); const originPath = other!.path; const validation = this.validations.get(originPath); const newData = produce(this.formData, draft => { set(draft, path, changed); if (validation && !isEmptyArray(validation.rules)) { const errors = validation.rules.map((validatorName: string) => { let defaultValidatorFunc = Validators?.[validatorName]; let validatorFunc = this.actions?.[validatorName]; if (typeof validatorFunc === 'function') { return validatorFunc(changed); } if (typeof defaultValidatorFunc === 'function') { return defaultValidatorFunc?.(changed); }
throw new Error('invalid validation in' + originPath); }).filter(r => r !== ValidationResult.PASS); const currentComp = draft.components.find(comp => comp.path === originPath)?.validation; if (currentComp) { currentComp.errors = errors; set(draft, originPath + 'components', currentComp); } } });
this.notify(newData); };
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| public buildDataTree(dataStruct: HashObj, components: TAllComponents[]): TAllComponents[] | void { if (!Array.isArray(components)) { throw new TypeError('ComponentTree->buildDataTree: Wrong Type .Params Must Be Array'); } const newComponents: TAllComponents[] = []; for (let i = 0, len = components.length; i < len; i++) { const componentItem = components[i]; if (isUndefined(componentItem)) { throw new Error(`buildDataTree: Component Invalid`); }
const { path, type } = componentItem || {}; const currentVal = get(dataStruct, path);
if (isUndefined(currentVal)) { throw new Error( `buildDataTree: current: wrong path ${path}, components should have corresponding component`, ); }
if (!isObject(currentVal) || type === FormItemType.CUSTOM) { const produceItem = produce(componentItem, draft => { set(draft, 'value', currentVal); this.buildComponentTree(draft); }); newComponents.push(produceItem); } } return newComponents; }
public buildComponentTree(component: TAllComponents, componentConfig?: TComponentConfig) { const { type, typeName } = component; let componentType: FormItemType | string = type; if (type === FormItemType.CUSTOM) { if (!typeName) { console.error('custom must have typeName'); } componentType = typeName; } set(component, '$$component', this.components[componentType]); }
public buildTree(schema: ISchema, componentLib: HashType<ReactElement>): TAllComponents[] | void { this.setComponents(componentLib); const { data, components } = schema; if (!data || !components) { throw new TypeError('ComponentTree::buildTree: Data Or Component Is Invalid'); } return this.buildDataTree(data, components); }
设想是需要将其抽象为一个库,专门维护, compoennt也是一样。
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| import { ValidationResult } from '../../constant'; import { isNullOrUndefined, isEmpty } from '../../utils';
export class Validators { public static required = (data: unknown): [ValidationResult.FAIL, string] | ValidationResult.PASS => { if (isNullOrUndefined(data) || isEmpty(data)) { return [ValidationResult.FAIL, '不能为空!']; } return ValidationResult.PASS; }; }
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| import { HashObj, TTemplateResult } from '../../types/project'; import { get, isFunction, isString, isTotalWord, isUndefined } from "../../utils"; import { safeEval } from './safe-eval';
interface ITemplateEngine<T extends HashObj> { execute(tpl: string, data: T, current: any): TTemplateResult|TTemplateResult[]; }
interface IExpression<T> { analyse(tpl: string, data: T, current: any): TTemplateResult; }
abstract class TemplateExpression<T extends HashObj = HashObj> implements IExpression<T> { static getSymbol(tpl: string) { let [anchor, variable] = TemplateEngine.symbolReg.exec(tpl) || []; if (!(anchor && variable)) { console.error('Input Is Invalid: ' + tpl); throw new Error('Input Is Invalid: ' + tpl); } return [anchor, variable]; }
abstract analyse(tpl: string, data: T, current: any): TTemplateResult; }
class PureExpression extends TemplateExpression { analyse(tpl: string): string { return tpl; } }
class VariableExpression extends TemplateExpression { analyse(tpl: string, data: HashObj, current: any): TTemplateResult { let [, code] = TemplateExpression.getSymbol(tpl); const action = get(data, ['actions', code]); const property = get(data, code); return isFunction(action) ? action(current, data) : property; } }
class CalculateExpression extends TemplateExpression { analyse(tpl: string, data: HashObj): TTemplateResult { let [, code] = TemplateExpression.getSymbol(tpl); code = code.replace(TemplateEngine.varReg, (current: string) => { let result = get(data, current); if (['true', 'false'].includes(current)) { return `!!${current}`; } if (typeof result === 'string') { return `"${result}"`; } return result; }); return safeEval(code) || ''; } }
export default class TemplateEngine<T extends HashObj = HashObj> implements ITemplateEngine<T> { public static readonly symbolReg: RegExp = /^{{(.+)?}}$/i; public static readonly varReg: RegExp = /[A-Za-z.]+(?!["'a-z])/g;
static isTpl(tpl: string): boolean { return TemplateEngine.symbolReg.test(tpl); }
getExpressionHandler(tpl: string, data?: T): TemplateExpression { if (!TemplateEngine.isTpl(tpl)) { return new PureExpression(); }
const [, code] = TemplateExpression.getSymbol(tpl);
if (isTotalWord(code) && !isUndefined(data)) { return new VariableExpression(); } return new CalculateExpression(); }
public execute(tpl: string|string[], data: T, current?: any): TTemplateResult|TTemplateResult[] { if (isString(tpl)) { const handler = this.getExpressionHandler(tpl as string, data); return handler.analyse(tpl, data, current); } return tpl.map(item => { const handler = this.getExpressionHandler(item, data); return handler.analyse(item, data, current); })
} }
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| describe('template-engine', () => { it('should execute code', function() { const tpl = '{{a}}'; const mockData = { a: 100 }; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); const result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, mockData); expect(result).toEqual(100); });
it('safe eval work', () => { const tpl = '1+1'; const result = safeEval(tpl); expect(result).toEqual(2); });
it("safe eval is safe", function() { const tpl = "1"; const result = safeEval(tpl); expect(result).toBe(1); const tpl1 = "onchange"; const result1 = safeEval(tpl1); expect(result1).toBe(undefined) });
it("safe eval throw error", function() { const tpl = "asd///" expect(() => safeEval(tpl)).toThrow(); });
it("safe eval without window", () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(utils, 'isUndefined'); spy.mockReturnValue(true); const tpl = "1"; expect(() => safeEval(tpl)).toThrow(); spy.mockRestore(); })
it('execute expression should work', function() { const tpl = '{{1 + 1}}'; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); const result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, {}); expect(result).toEqual(2); });
it('execute expression with variable should work', function() { const tpl = '{{a + 1}}'; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); const result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, { a: 100 }); expect(result).toEqual(101); });
it('execute expression with two variable should work', function() { const tpl = '{{a + b}}'; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); const result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, { a: 100, b: 200 }); expect(result).toEqual(300); });
it('ternary operator should work', () => { const tpl = '{{a > 100 ? 1 : 2}}'; const mockData = { a: 100 }; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); let result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, mockData); expect(result).toEqual(2); mockData.a = 101; result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, mockData); expect(result).toEqual(1); });
it('call function should work', () => { const tpl = '{{d}}'; const mockData = { a: { b: { c: 12 } }, actions: {d: (current: any) => current.b.c} }; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); let result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, mockData, { b: { c: 12 } }); expect(result).toEqual(12); });
it('call lang api should work', () => { const tpl = '{{[a]}}'; const mockData = { a: 1 }; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); let result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, mockData, { b: { c: 12 } }); expect(result).toEqual([1]); });
it('expression list will works', () => { const tpl = ["{{a}}"]; const mockData = { a: 1 }; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); let result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, mockData, { b: { c: 12 } }); expect(result).toEqual([1]) });
it('compare should work', () => { const tpl = '{{a === "a"}}'; const mockData = { a: 'a' }; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); let result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, mockData, { b: { c: 12 } }); expect(result).toEqual(true); });
it('compare should work', () => { const tpl = '{{a.b === "a"}}'; const mockData = { a: { b: "a" } }; const tplEngine = new TemplateEngine(); let result = tplEngine.execute(tpl, mockData); expect(result).toEqual(true); }); });
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| import { useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react'; import { IContextParams, SingleContext } from '../core'; import { HashObj, IValidation } from '../types/project';
export function useFormChange<T extends HashObj>(path?: string): [T, (data: T) => void] { const formContext = SingleContext.getContext<T>(); const { state, managerIns } = useContext<IContextParams<T>>(formContext); return [state, (changed: HashObj, currentPath?: string) => managerIns.notifyByPath(path || currentPath || '', changed)]; }
export function useManage<T extends HashObj>() { const formContext = SingleContext.getContext<T>(); const { managerIns } = useContext<IContextParams<T>>(formContext); return managerIns; }
export function useValidation<T extends HashObj>(path: string, validation?: IValidation) { if (!validation) return; const formContext = SingleContext.getContext<T>(); const { managerIns } = useContext<IContextParams<T>>(formContext); useMemo(() => { managerIns.registryValidation(path, validation); }, []); }
export function usePrevious<T>(value: T): T|undefined { const ref = useRef<T>(); useEffect(() => { ref.current = value; }, [value]); return ref.current; }
一个基于JSON Schema 的buildform就完成了,通过全量的接收数据统一了对接口的interface,每次请求通过参数读取config渲染表单,再通过表单渲染实现面向配置渲染页面,稳步线中~😄